Today’s Gospel reading offers the first three of the seven woes Jesus will pronounce, directed at the Pharisees and scribes, essentially for their preaching what they do not practice. Jesus will here recall the Old Testament oracles of judgement, the woes complimenting the blessings offered by Beatitudes. (Mt5:3-12). In Leviticus 26, God promised sevenfold vengeance upon the Israelites if they violated His covenant. Contemporary Israelites, particularly learned scribes and Pharisees would have made the connection between the Old Testament covenant blessings and curses and Jesus’ pronouncement of woes. This is not necessarily a blanket condemnation of the offices of scribes and Pharisees. This section will conclude with praise for ‘prophets and wise men and scribes’ who would suffer persecution, not read today. Jesus calls out ‘hypocrites’ and ‘blind guides. The word hypocrite originally described an on-stage actor; someone who assumed a role they did not live out. To those whom much has been given, much will be required.
Jesus strongly criticizes the subtle and unnecessary additions to the Law, making them almost impossible to live out.
Ultimately, Jesus is building the model of Christian leadership; one more of service than one of authority.