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January 20

Through obedience and sacrifice, we can answer God’s calling for our lives.



00:00 / 01:44

Hebrews 5:1-10
Psalm 110
Mark 2: 18-22

In a rather confusing way in today’s gospel, Jesus begins to make it clear that things are about to change significantly. In our gospel today, the Pharisees are absolutely aghast that the disciples of Jesus were not fasting. Pharisees would generally fast two days a week as a way to seek forgiveness and out of piety.

Jesus, though, was preparing to help everyone understand that it is not fasting in and of itself that will lead to the forgiveness of sins but rather, it was Jesus who would be the source of forgiveness. Jesus was replacing the old Mosaic Law of fasting with Himself. Jesus would show them that He is the way, the truth and the life. Fasting is important in building piety still today, but it is not an end unto itself when seeking forgiveness.

Jesus wanted the Pharisees and the disciples of John to understand that the Law was being fulfilled through Him. Jesus does not say that fasting is bad, but keep it in perspective that it is through Him that true forgiveness of sin is achieved.

We can get caught up in “doing” Catholic by completing rituals that are very important but completing rituals can’t be viewed as success in achieving our salvation. We are called to use our rituals to grow closer to Jesus. Getting to Confession is a big part of that. The humility that comes from seeking the forgiveness of the goofy stuff we did brings grace that enlivens our relationships with God and each other. When is the last time you went to Confession?

It is a great day! Go smile at God today!

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