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Green Leaf

September 13

We must live the Gospel message.



00:00 / 03:28

Are you clear-sighted, especially in your perception of sin and the need for each of one of us to see ourselves correctly as God sees us - with our faults, weaknesses, and strengths? Today’s Gospel from Luke was written by a disciple who was trained as a physician. Luke, with keen insight, portrays Jesus as the good physician and shepherd of souls who seeks out those who desire healing, pardon, and restoration of body, mind, and spirit.

What can we learn from the illustration of a blind guide and a bad eye (the log in the eye)? A bad eye left untreated and a blind guide can cause a lot of trouble that will only end in misery and disaster. We can only help and teach others what we have learned and received from wise teachers and guides. And how can we help others overcome their faults if we are blinded by our own faults and misperceptions? We are all in need of a physician who can help us overcome the blind spots and failing of our sins, weaknesses, and ignorance.

Like a gentle and skillful doctor, the Lord Jesus exposes the cancer of sin, evil, and oppression in our lives so we can be set free and restored to wholeness. A key step to healing and restoration requires that we first submit to the physician who can heal us. The Lord Jesus wants to heal and restore us to wholeness, not only for our own sake alone. He also wants us to be his instruments of healing, pardon, and restoration for others as well. What can hinder us from helping others draw near to Jesus the Divine Physician?

Our judgment of others is usually off the mark because we can't see inside the other person, or we don't have access to all the facts, or we are swayed by instinct and unreasoning reactions to people. It is easier to find fault in others than in oneself. A critical and judgmental spirit crushes rather than heals, oppresses rather than restores, repels rather than attracts. Thinking the best of other people is necessary if we wish to grow in love. And kindliness in judgment is nothing less than a sacred duty.

Do you trust in God's mercy and grace? Ask the Lord to flood your heart with his love and mercy that you may only have room for charity, forbearance, and kindness towards your neighbor.

Today’s Question for Prayer and Reflection
As you hold the mirror of prayer and see our sins and weaknesses, what is your log that needs to be removed?

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