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Green Leaf

September 12

Be merciful, just as also your Father is merciful.



00:00 / 03:05

1 Corinthians 8: 1-13
Psalm 139
Luke 6:27-38

Wow! Strange words from Jesus in today’s gospel. The words Jesus spoke may have very well been heard with shock or outrage, and they were certainly revolutionary. The Jewish people had a whole list of laws and regulations as to how they should handle disputes, Regardless if those disputes were over things or relationships, there was a process. Forgiveness was a part of that, but pretty much secondary.

It is really easy for us to hear the words “…love your enemies, do good to those who hate you…” What a grand idea. What a wonderful concept. Truth is, that can be really tough these days when so many want to strike out against others “We need to get those nasty corporations who pollute. We need to ruin that company.” We need to make those people pay who say things with which we do not agree. Those are immigrants – despise them.

The words of Jesus need to be our mantra today and every day just as they were when Jesus spoke them. Why? Because they lead us directly to His two great commandments: 1) Love God with all you have; and 2) Love others the way you want to be loved. That routinely calls us to a revolution of the heart. That revolution comes from three things: 1) Prayer; 2) Getting to the Eucharist and Confession; 3) Learning what and WHY the Church teaches what it teaches.

So today, is there someone you want to see crushed and ruined? Consider, is that really what the gospel is calling you to? Are you brave enough to want good things for them?

It is a great day! Go smile at God today!

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