Today’s Gospel should remind us of the joy of a wedding feast, when two people become united as one and begin a new life together.
When the Pharisees asked Jesus about his disciples not fasting on certain days of the week, Jesus used the opportunity to reveal to them that He is the Bridegroom, the one for whom Israel awaits. Jesus pointed out that during a wedding feast, the wedding guests do not fast. This means that, in the days leading up to the Cross, Jesus’ disciples – the friends of the bridegroom – do not and will not fast. They accompany the bridegroom throughout His three years of public ministry and rejoice with Him. The days will come, however, when the marriage between God and His people is accomplished on the Cross. The bridegroom will be taken away. He goes to prepare a place for His bride, the Church. On that day, Jesus’ disciples will fast and patiently and faithfully wait for the return of the bridegroom. We are living in that time of patiently waiting for Jesus the Bridegroom to return and take us to our heavenly home. It is appropriate that we continue the Jewish practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during this time. We pray to remain close to God and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us to live the life He has planned for us. We fast in remembrance and atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world, especially those who have turned away from the Lord. We give alms to the needy as our response of love for all the blessing the Lord has given us.
The meaning of the parable about the wine and wineskins tells us that Jesus the Bridegroom is doing something new. He is the Messiah who brings the new wine, the wine of everlasting joy. The old wineskins cannot contain the new wine of Jesus’ blood. The blood and sacrifices of the Old Covenant (the old wine) were ineffective and were only a sign that looked forward to the efficacious sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The old wine, just like the first wine at Cana, is good; but the new wine, just like the second wine at Cana, is better. Jesus is inviting the Pharisees, and us, who have been drinking the old wine, to open themselves up to the fulfillment of the Old Covenant in His person and partake of the new wine in new wineskins that He brings. Are we ready to accept the new wine of everlasting life through faith in Jesus our Savior?
Today’s Questions for Prayer and Reflection
Do I truly live with joy knowing that Jesus has brought salvation to the world? Do I communicate this joy – which is the fruit of charity – to others?