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Purple Abstract

Breaking Open the Word

4th Sunday of Advent December 22

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Today is Sunday December 22nd. It is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Christmas Day is three days away. We are at the doorstep of one of the greatest events in human history. We are preparing to celebrate the fact that God became man; that God so loves his people, and desires to be as close to them as possible, that He becomes one of us and dwells among us. The incarnation of God, in the person of Jesus Christ, leaves us awestruck by both its simplicity and humility AND its majesty and power.

The First Reading from the Prophet Micah points us to this with the words, “You Bethlehem-Ephrathah, too small to be among the clans of Judah, from you will come forth for me, one who is to be ruler in Israel…”
Bethlehem, also called Ephrathah, was considered a very insignificant or small town compared to the other tribes and settlements within the region of Judah. It was relatively unimportant among the larger clans in the area. This reading highlights the surprising fact that a great leader, the Messiah, will be borne from such a small place.

Yet out of this small, insignificant place, the one whom arrives on the scene as an infant in a manager, will become the King of Israel…… and the Lord of our lives. While His arrival into human history is humble and small, His impact will not be. As the Prophet Micah says, “He shall stand firm and shepherd his flock by the strength of the Lord, in the majestic name of the Lord, his God…”

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Gospel Explained

We see this theme of simplicity and humility manifesting itself in the person of Mary in today’s Gospel passage from Luke. Mary, a betrothed virgin and likely a young teenager, sets out to a town in Judah. She is the wife of a mere carpenter from the village of Nazareth in Galilee. Far from the Holy City of Jerusalem, not much good is expected from this remote outpost near the Sea of Galilee. Yet this young woman bears within her greatness. Residing within her womb lies the Son of God, the promised savior for the world.

In humility, Mary sets out determined to share the Christ-child within with her cousin Elizabeth. So begins history’s first Eucharistic procession, with Mary as tabernacle, bearing the real presence of Christ.

Mary, however, does not wait outside the home of Elizabeth and Zechariah, she ENTERS it! Mary brings Jesus into their home! In doing so, the REAL PRESENCE becomes present in the life of Elizabeth and the life of the child in her womb. The response to Jesus’ being brought to them is ecstasy – the infant leaps in Elizabeth’s womb, the grace of the Holy Spirit is poured out and there is great joy.

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Today's Theme

The readings for today serve as a reminder as to the “whom” who will enter human history, and our lives, on Christmas Day. The readings clarify the reason why He enters it. More importantly it points us towards our call to respond to that.

The Prophet Micah points us towards the “whom” is arriving on Christmas Day. It is the Messiah, the ruler of the people Israel, our shepherd, whose greatness reaches the ends of the earth.

The Letter to the Hebrews reminds us why Christ entered into the world. Christ comes to replace the sacrifices and offerings of the past, with the one, perfect offering – “the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.”

Through the actions of Mary, described in the Gospel, we learn how to respond to this. As the first to bear Christ, as the world’s first human tabernacle, Mary sets out, enters the home of Elizabeth, and fills it with the Holy Spirit.

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Theme in our Life Today

We may see ourselves as simple, from a tiny town far from the great towns and cities of our country and our world. We may see in this teenage woman, the wife of a mere carpenter, OURSELVES. However, today at Mass the same Holy Spirit that overshadowed her at the annunciation in her home in Nazareth will be present in our worship space today. With our reception of the Eucharist we, like Mary, will have Christ within us. The body, blood, soul and divinity that lay quietly within the Blessed Mother rests silently in the womb of our hearts. Today we, like Mary, become Christ-bearers.

We are, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, invited to set-out as tabernacles of the Lord into our community and our world today. With humility, we are invited to bring that same Christ-child to our family and friends. Now, we may be tempted to do a “drive by” or a “drop off”; that is so easy to do in the busyness of this Christmas season and in response to the demands of our secular world. However, like Mary we are called to enter the homes and hearts of those we encounter… and stay awhile. If we permit ourselves to do that, we might just witness what Mary did – leaping and pure joy.

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Prepare for Sunday

If you are reading or listening to this before Mass, take moment and quietly prepare yourself to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. If you are reading or listening after Mass, quietly ponder He who now lies within you.
Do you see yourself as Marian; like Mary, carrying the incarnate Jesus within you? If yes, what stirs in your heart in response to that? If not, what is holding you back?

In the days and weeks ahead, to whom is the Holy Spirit calling you to set out and visit? Will your visit be a “drop-off” or “drive-by”, our will you truly enter the lives of those you encounter and allow, through the grace of the Spirit, the real presence of Jesus to bring them great joy?

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