February 23, 2025
7th Sunday
Ordinary Time
FOCUS: Jesus teaches us to see others as God sees them.
Though our enemies may mistreat us, Jesus teaches us not to respond in judgment. Rather, we are to be loving and forgiving, just as our Father is kind and merciful. We must see others as God sees them, in the same way that David is able to see his enemy Saul as God’s anointed, and Jesus is able to see sinners as worthy of goodness and love.
What's in Your Heart
Today’s readings have a special message for preachers because they show the positive effects of deeply hearing the word of God. Nehemiah proclaims and interprets the law with such power that the people respond with tears. Paul says that when we are in the spirit, we recognize we are one body—the Body of Christ. And Luke shows that from early on, Jesus was moved by the power of the Spirit and therefore clearly knew and proclaimed his mission.
Can I think of times where my proclamation and preaching were inspired by the spirit? What made it so?
Do I give myself enough time and openness with scripture to let their power fill me, so that it is no longer I who am preaching but the Spirit in me?
Do I give enough attention and honor to all the members of the community, particularly those who may seem to be weaker?
Do I keep my own mission clearly in focus in the course of my ministry?
Homily Stories
It was my sixth or seventh surgical treatment, I lost count, one every three or four months. It always ends with an ultrasound assuring everything is working before being sent home. I was lying there looking at the nurse administering it to me. She had a very prominent baby bump. Always the comedian, I remarked that she must have had similar tests the past few months. She responded affirmatively and then added it wasn’t in the same place I was having mine. We both laughed. She checked the results with the doctor and secured my release.
When she returned to dismiss me, I told her I was a Catholic priest and that if she would allow me to, I would like to bless the baby she was carrying. She started to cry. She was Catholic and welcomed the blessing. Four months passed and I was there again. The nurse performing the ultrasound was wearing a mask. I told her about what happened at my last surgery. She stopped and took off her mask. She was that nurse, now the proud mother of a three-month-old son. This time it was my turn to shed a tear. We all have our role in the Body of Christ. I shared mine and she in turn shared hers. In a simple way we had graced each other. I had shared my priesthood and when I returned, she shared her joy.